Parish Life
Hilda Valle, Director
The Office of Parish Life promotes the unity among parishioners by providing opportunities to get together. It helps provide a sense of family and a welcoming and inviting atmosphere for all!
There are many opportunities to get involved in our vibrant Parish Life:
After Mass Socials – During School Year
Enjoy a cup of coffee and a donut with fellow parishioners on the Second Sunday of each month after most of the Masses during the School Year. We are always looking for volunteers to help with set-up and clean-up. Please contact Cindy Stophlet at
Coffee and Donuts - During School Year
And every Sunday during school year you can join us for Coffee and Donuts after 9 am Mass. WE ARE LOOKING FOR WEEKLY COORDINATORS. FMI, please contact Bob Mahler at
Bridge Club – Year-Round
Meets 2nd & 4th Mondays 6:30-8:30 p.m. in room 225.
For more information please contact Peggy Pang at
Canasta Group – Year-Round
Come and join us! We’ll refresh your memory if you haven’t played canasta for awhile. We meet Wednesdays at 12:00 p.m. in room 225. LOOKING FOR MEMBERS! For more information, please contact Bob Mahler at
Christmas Pageant – December 24
At this long-time tradition, children take on the roles of the Christmas story and act it out for parents, family and friends. For more information about the Christmas Pageant, please contact Adriana Stacey at
Easter Egg Hunt - Divine Mercy Sunday
Children 0-10 years old are invited to participate in our Annual Easter Egg Hunts on Divine Mercy Sunday (10:30 am or 4 pm). For more information, contact Jim Weir at
Family Fun Day Parish Picnic – Sunday before Labor Day, see bulletin for exact date
Water toys, games and activities are the highlight of our Parish Picnic! Come with the whole family to enjoy and celebrate family and friends! If you’d like to help with this fabulous event, or if you have any ideas or need more information, please contact Bob Mahler at
Greeters Ministry – Year-Round
The Greeters’ Ministry volunteers take turns welcoming parishioners with a friendly “halo” as they arrive for Mass. The volunteers consist of singles, couples and families who are scheduled approximately once every month to six weeks for greeting duty before their preferred Mass. New volunteers are always welcome. Please contact Joe or Terry Dushan at
Holy Family Tree and Angel Tree – (Collection starts before Thanksgiving)
The Holy Family Tree helps our own parishioners that need some help with Christmas presents. Our Youth Ministry is in charge of the Holy Family Tree. This tree will have envelopes for monetary donations. If you’d like to donate to this cause, or if your family wishes to apply for Christmas help, please contact Jim Weir at
The Angel Tree helps foster children. Names of children 0-18 are given to us from Court Appointed Special Advocates of Northwest Arkansas. CASA of NWA provides compassionate volunteers who advocate for abused and neglected children in foster care. These community volunteers speak up for the best interest of these children in court. For questions about the Angel Tree, please contact Tara Marcom at 479-595-1372 or
Knights of Columbus
Father McCauley Council 6609 has faithfully served St. Joseph Catholic Church since its foundation in 1974. Members of the Knights of Columbus must be faithful Catholic males eighteen years or older. Meets on the 1st Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. in room 225. For more information, contact Grand Knight Brian Wood at
Lenten Meals – Fridays during Lent
St. Joseph Parish holds traditional Lenten meals on most Fridays during Lent. Please check our church bulletin and Flocknote for detailed information about meals and times.
Mah Jongg Group
Come and join us! Mah Jongg is a Mahjong is a tile-based game that was developed in China during the Qing dynasty and has spread throughout the world since the early 20th century. It is commonly played by four players. We meet Thursdays at 12:15 p.m. in room 225. For more information, please contact Cathy January at
Mary’s Mantle: A Prayer Shawl Ministry – Year-Round
A prayer shawl is a shawl made by an individual with love and prayer for someone that needs a little extra hug from God. The ministry connects the shawl makers with individuals that are in need of support and prayer. FMI contact Sandy Weishaar, or 479-387-2195
Martha’s Ministry – Year-Round
Martha’s Ministry offers receptions for families of deceased parishioners after the funeral Mass. This ministry provides comfort to grieving families, offering a potluck meal to share with family and friends. Our volunteers receive deep satisfaction from easing the burden of those who mourn. The wonderful ladies that are part of this ministry help with set-up, serving and clean-up and we are always in need of “Marthas” to be on-call! We also need food providers. The church provides the main dish, and drinks, and we ask parishioners to help with side dishes and desserts. The food may be home-made or purchased, i.e. salads, casseroles, etc. If you would like to help with meals or with the reception, please contact Bob Mahler at
Men’s Basketball
This ministry offers men 30 and up who wants to play the ball game, the opportunity to meet once a week. They pray and share a quote from the Scripture. Meets usually 8-10 p.m. on Wednesdays. For more information, please contact TJ Barnes, Matt Bishop or Chris Laury
Nursery Ministry – Year-Round
The St. Joseph nursery is offered to parish families so parents may attend Mass on Sundays and participate in weekly ministry events giving them the opportunity for spiritual growth while leaving their child in a caring and loving environment. Childcare is provided Sunday mornings during our 9 am, 11:30 am, and 1:30 pm regularly scheduled Masses and Faith Formation Classes and is for infants at least 6 months old until 3 years of age.
St. Joseph Feast Day – March 19
We celebrate our Patron Saint and the cultural heritage and diversity of our parish family with the Holy Mass, followed by an international potluck. For more information, please take a copy of the bulletin the weekend before March 19.
St. Joseph Playgroup
Join the St. Joseph Playgroup! We are a group of moms that get together once a week on weekday mornings to give our babies/toddlers/preschoolers the opportunity for play and offer the moms a chance to socialize and share the faith. We meet in member's homes and public places like parks and community events. FMI, please email
Seniors Ministry - Quarterly
Senior Ministry invites all senior citizens to a Mass with Anointing for those in need of healing, followed by a Luncheon. WE NEED A COORDINATOR! Interested? Please contact Bob Mahler at
Sacred Heart Apostolate (English and Spanish) – Year-Round
This group promotes the Enthronement of the Home to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and the Immaculate Heart of Mary. For more information, please contact Kathleen Blessing (English) or Jeanie Guereca at 442-0890.
Vacation Bible School – During summer
VBS is a one-week event offered during the summer for all children ages 4 -12 (or just completed 6th grade). Vacation Bible School builds a lifetime of memories, friendships and a solid religious foundation for the kids who attend. We always need volunteers 7th grade through adult. For more information, please contact Jim Weir at
Women’s Fellowship - Monthly
Women´s Fellowship promotes fellowship among Catholic women through monthly and annual social and spiritual activities. Women´s Fellowship meets the second Thursday, at 6:30 p.m. in room 225 and other special occasions. For more information please contact Cindy Stophlet at (907) 440-6473
Welcoming Committee
This group is all about making new parishioners feel welcome. Duties would include lots of smiling, and meeting and greeting new parishioners at our Monthly Welcoming Table. If this sparks your interest, please contact Cindy Stophlet at